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NewsMontenegrin and Turkish trade exchange amounted to USD 182 million in 11...

Montenegrin and Turkish trade exchange amounted to USD 182 million in 11 months of this year

Podgorica – Montenegro and Turkey achieved a trade exchange in the amount of 182 million USD in 11 months of this year, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced.

At a press conference with Montenegrin President Milo Đukanović in Istanbul, he said that during their visit to Montenegro last year, they set the goal of increasing the volume of bilateral trade to 250 million USD.

Erdogan said that in the first 11 months of this year, when compared to the same period last year, an increase of 49 percent was achieved.

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“Even with the current situation, we broke the record by reaching USD 182 million in trade,” Erdogan announced.

According to him, total Turkish investments in Montenegro exceeded 67 million USD.

Erdogan said that 3.8 thousand Turkish companies operate in Montenegro and that they implement important projects, especially in the field of infrastructure, construction, tourism and in the service sectors.

“I am convinced that our economic sector will continue with successful initiatives both in Montenegro and in the Balkans,” Erdogan said, local media reported.

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