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Herceg Novi
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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NewsRussians make up 54 percent of the founders of companies that were...

Russians make up 54 percent of the founders of companies that were formed in Montenegro last year

Last year, foreigners founded more than 7,000 companies in Montenegro.

Almost 4,000 companies were founded by Russian citizens, which is seven times more than in 2021, Radio Free Europe (RSE) announced. According to these data, Russians make up 54 percent of the founders of companies that were formed in Montenegro last year. In second place are Turkish citizens, 21 percent, followed by citizens of Serbia and Germany (four percent each) and Ukraine and Belarus, three and two percent each.

Last year, 121 companies of Russian founders, 95 Turkish, 36 Ukrainian, 16 German and five founders from Belarus were simultaneously liquidated.

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