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Herceg Novi
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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NewsMontenegro, Barska plovidba will cooperate with Portugese company on Bar – Bari...

Montenegro, Barska plovidba will cooperate with Portugese company on Bar – Bari line

Barska plovidba has contracted cooperation with a Portuguese company, whose ship will operate twice a week during the summer on the Bar – Bari line.

This is not a lease, it is not a charter of any nature, it will be done as we did with one line in the previous four, five years – said the acting director. Director of Barska plovidba Mirsad Tršić.

The ship, as he said, meets all the requirements, and he hopes that the passengers will be convinced of that as well.

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The line is planned to have a price list in July, August and September, we expect a timetable and price list after the first of May – said Tršić.


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