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NewsMontenegro, Average salary in October 720 EUR

Montenegro, Average salary in October 720 EUR

According to Monstat data, the average salary without taxes and contributions in October amounted to EUR 720 and was 0.3 percent higher than in September.

The average net salary in October, compared to the same month last year, increased by 34.8 percent.

The average gross salary in October was EUR 891.

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“If it is taken into account that consumer prices rose by 1.4 percent in October compared to September, it follows that real earnings for the same period recorded a drop of 1.1 percent,” the announcement states.

Compared to September, the average net earnings in October increased in the sectors of agriculture, forestry and fishing by 3.1 percent, information and communications by 1.5 percent, manufacturing industry by 1.4 percent, construction by 1.2 percent, professional, scientific and technical activities 1.1 percent, traffic and storage one percent.

Growth was also recorded in the sectors of artistic entertainment and recreational activities 0.8 percent, education 0.6 percent, financial and insurance activities 0.3 percent, administrative and auxiliary services and other service activities 0.2 percent each, accommodation and food services and state administration and defense: mandatory social security 0.1 percent each.

The decrease in average net earnings in October compared to September was recorded in the sectors of real estate business by 7.6 percent, supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning by 1.3 percent, water supply and waste water management by 1.2 percent, wholesale trade and a little; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles one percent, health and social care 0.8 percent and mining and quarrying 0.6 percent, local media reports.

Supported byMercosur Montenegro


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