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Herceg Novi
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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NewsGovernment created the legal framework for the introduction of a digital nomad...

Government created the legal framework for the introduction of a digital nomad permit

The Montenegrin government created the legal framework for the introduction of a digital nomad permit. Foreign nationals will be eligible for this permit if they are employed (self-employed or by a company) abroad and are seeking to work from Montenegro via telecommunication tools. The permit will be granted for up to two years and renewable for a further two years. After four years cumulative stay, a six-month cooling-off period would apply.

Further regulations are required for the new visa category to take effect and are expected to be published no later than November 9, 2022. However, this could be delayed as Montenegro is currently forming a new government, which is expected in Q3-Q4 2022. The visa was first announced in October 2021, Fragomen reports.

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