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NewsGDP of Montenegro grew in the third quarter of this year

GDP of Montenegro grew in the third quarter of this year

The gross domestic product of Montenegro in the third quarter of this year grew by 3.2% and amounted to 1.82 billion EUR, according to Monstat’s preliminary data.

As they stated, the GDP in the same period last year amounted to EUR 1.59 billion.

The GDP growth rate in the countries of the European Union was 2.4%.

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Ireland had the highest real GDP growth rate – 10.9%, followed by Iceland 7.3% and Cyprus 5.5%.

When it comes to the countries of the region, the GDP of Croatia increased by 5.2%, Slovenia by 3.4%, North Macedonia by 2% and Serbia by one percent.

As explained by Monstat, the press release presented the results of the preliminary calculation of the quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) of Montenegro for the third quarter of 2022, in current and constant prices, using the consumption method, and in accordance with the ESA 2010 methodology, local media writes.

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