The Chinese company Norinco International Cooperation is interested in investing in Montenegro in the field of energy and transport infrastructure, it was announced at a meeting of its representatives with Prime Minister Dritan Abazović.
As reported by the Prime Minister’s Office, he said that everyone who wants to invest in Montenegro and develop a fair business is more than welcome.
“I’m glad that you recognized us as such a destination and I’m glad that we have the opportunity to consider models of action at multiple levels,” said Abazović.
The chief engineer of the Norico company, subsidiary in Zagreb, Li Shouzi, thanked Abazović for the opportunity to present the company’s portfolio and said that Montenegro is in a new phase of development, which they want to be a part of.
“I have visited your country many times and every time I am delighted by its beauty and the development potential it has when it comes to tourism. I believe that our company can contribute to its even faster and better development. To begin with, through investments in infrastructure – building and renovating roads,” said Lee.
He stated that renewable energy is a special area of their activity, and presented the large project of the Senj 156 MW wind power plant, which this company is implementing in Croatia.
Abazović informed the interlocutors about current opportunities and projects that are being implemented and that are planned, emphasizing that energy is in focus, and that infrastructure remains the biggest challenge of Montenegro in the future.
“We see Montenegro as a green destination and we want others to see it that way as well.” That is why we are particularly interested in the construction of solar plants and wind power plants in the field of energy. Additionally, our vision of development is inseparable from strengthening the overall traffic infrastructure as a prerequisite for the overall development of the economy and society. We believe that with all credible interested investors, who share such a vision, we can find a way to cooperate”, said Abazović.
At the meeting, it was agreed that in the coming period, the communication between the two parties will be intensified in order to find potential points for joint action and to consider models for possible implementation.