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NewsThe average salary in November is EUR 807

The average salary in November is EUR 807

The average salary without taxes and contributions in November, according to the data from Monstat, amounted to 807 euros and was 0.5 percent higher compared to October.

The average net salary in November, compared to the same month last year, increased by 11.9 percent.

The average gross salary in November was just over a thousand euros.

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“Taking into account that consumer prices in November compared to October recorded a decrease of 0.3 percent, it follows that real wages for the same period recorded an increase of 0.8 percent,” the statement said.

Average salaries without taxes and contributions in November, compared to the previous month, recorded growth in the sectors of manufacturing industry by 1.3 percent, accommodation and food services by 1.2 percent, arts, entertainment, and recreation, and other services by one percent, administrative and support services by 0.9 percent, mining and quarrying by 0.8 percent.

Growth was also recorded in construction by 0.7 percent, health and social care by 0.6 percent, agriculture, forestry, and fishing, and transportation and storage by 0.5 percent, information and communication, and professional, scientific, and technical activities by 0.4 percent, and wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles by 0.3 percent.

A decrease in the average salary without taxes and contributions in November compared to the previous month was recorded in the sectors of real estate business by 2.9 percent, water supply and wastewater management, 0.3 percent, financial and insurance activities, 0.2 percent, electricity and gas supply, public administration and defense: compulsory social insurance and education by 0.1 percent.

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