Last year, the airports of Montenegro calculated discounts on the price of airport services to their business partners airlines in the amount of EUR 7.4 million, which is 2.7 times more than in 2021, when these discounts were EUR 2.05 million.
The discounts were calculated in accordance with the incentive scheme adopted by the state-owned company on December 23rd, 2021.
According to last year’s Report on the work with the financial report, last year the Airports calculated the largest discount of 2.94 million EUR to the Montenegrin national airline Air Montenegro.
The Serbian national airline Air Serbia achieved a discount of EUR 875.7 thousand. The Irish low-cost carrier Ryanair is actually the second in the list of airlines that achieved the highest discounts in the last year, according to the discounts obtained by its two daughter companies, Ryanair Limited (EUR 762.15 thousand and Ryanair UK Limited (EUR 421.86 thousand). benefits in the prices of ACG services because he received a total discount in the amount of more than EUR 1.18 million.
The Hungarian low cost airline Wizz Air is, if the parent company Wizz Air (EUR 903.85 thousand, including the discounts calculated by ACG last year to its daughter – Wizz Air UK Limited (EUR 176.24 thousand), is the third highest airline achieved discounts at Montenegrin airports with “forgiven” more than 1.08 million EUR.
Despite the significant benefits they received from the airport, Ryanair and Wizz Air announced that at the end of this year’s summer IATA season, they will cancel the five routes on which these companies currently operate from Podgorica throughout the year: Ryanair flights to Zagreb, Manchester and Barcelona, and Wizz Air flights to Rome and Vienna.
– This shows that the primary reason for the decision of these companies to cancel the lines from Podgorica is not the increase of the ACG security tax from the current 1.75 to 3.25 EUR per passenger, but primarily other, commercial reasons – at most a relatively modest number of passengers during the winter for some of the destinations from Podgorica, which are being cancelled, or the low-coster’s assessment that their planes, which would fly on those lines in the winter from Montenegro, will be better employed and filled at some other airports.
Last year, the British lowcoster EasyJet obtained a discount on ACG services of EUR 386.14 thousand, while ACG’s very significant business partner – the Turkish national airline company Turkish Airlines – received a discount of EUR 301.01 thousand last year, and the Austrian national airline Austrian Airlines 203 .98 thousand EUR.
For all these companies, ACG calculated discounts as an incentive for opening new routes, increasing the number of frequencies on existing routes, an incentive based on the number of completed rotations, an incentive for companies that operate traffic on routes that have been declared as routes of strategic importance for Montenegro and ACG, and for airlines that base their planes at the airports in Podgorica and Tivat.