Customs risk management plays a key role in facilitating trade, according to Acting Director of the CEFTA Secretariat, Danijela Gačević.
“Our mission is to ensure that, with the available resources and tools, we support customs administrations in enhancing security, improving efficiency, and facilitating legitimate trade while minimizing risks,” Gačević said at a CEFTA expert seminar on customs risk management.
She added that by working together, they can more effectively assess challenges and, most importantly, understand how to address them.
“This is precisely the purpose of the Strategy we are currently working on,” Gačević added.
The seminar was organized by the SEED+ Action, in cooperation with the International Relations Office of the Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency (ADM) and the Regional Directorate of Sicily in Palermo.
The seminar focused on finalizing the CEFTA Customs Risk Management Strategy for the period 2025-2028, as well as integrating the best practices at the European and international levels.
A special emphasis was placed on the use of technology to improve efficiency and security in trade facilitation, ensuring compliance of customs administrations with EU standards, and strengthening CEFTA’s integration with the European Union.
Andrea Mazzella, Director of the International Relations Office and the Minister’s Authorized Representative, stated that the customs integration of the Western Balkans is a key element in strengthening stability and economic progress.
He added that ADM is committed to coordinating this process.
As part of the program, participants visited the Palermo Customs Administration, where they had the opportunity to explore the practical use of scanning equipment and chemical laboratories managed by ADM, gaining valuable insights into advanced customs control techniques and inspections based on risk assessment.