The Council of the Central Bank of Montenegro (CBCG) approved the financial plan for the central monetary institution, including investment and cash flow plans for the upcoming year.
By adopting these documents, the conditions are set to achieve the vision and goals outlined in the recently approved CBCG Strategic Plan for 2024-2028, as stated by the CBCG.
The CBCG’s financial plan for the next year is development-oriented and aims to support the improvement of the CBCG’s operations and the long-term development of the institution through modernization, innovation, research and development.
The Council also approved the CBCG’s macroeconomic report for the third quarter of this year, which reveals that, according to preliminary data from Monstat, the real GDP growth from January to September was 3.1%.
The data for the first nine months indicate positive trends in the sectors of transportation, trade, and construction, while tourism and industrial production experienced a decline, according to the CBCG.
The banking sector showed stable performance during the first nine months, with key balance sheet positions achieving annual growth.
According to the report on price trends for the third quarter, also approved today, consumer prices rose by 0.3%.
The document states that inflation for this year is expected to range from 2.6% to 4.3%, with a central tendency of 3.3%, based on CBCG’s model projections.
Experts from CBCG estimate that inflation this year will be between 2% and 3%, with a central projection of 2.5%.
The Council also approved regulations governing the internal audit of CBCG, aligning them with global internal audit standards, with implementation beginning on January 9th next year.
Additionally, the Council issued a permit for the operation of the microcredit financial institution Mirokreditiranje Podgorica.